Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 in Edinburgh November 8th

Microsoft is running an event in Edinburgh on the 8th of November: Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012

Lunch is provided, as are refreshments!

Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and Other.

Developer Generalist, Non-Tech Influencing BDM, Tech Influencing BDM and Tester.

Hearing directly from our experts is the best way to get a really good understanding of Visual Studio 2012. In this session we will look at the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012 and how that supports the entire software development lifecycle.

09:30 Registration
10:00 Start
· Overview of the Microsoft development tools
· Requirements capture and Agile planning
· Development including version control, code quality and automated builds
· Test case and defect management including exploratory testing
· Automated and performance testing
· Working with the extended team, including using the feedback client, reporting, IntelliTrace and System Center integration
13:00 Lunch & Q&A
14:00 Close

*Timing: Please arrive at 09:30 for registration. There is a prompt 10:00 start, so please arrive in time. Refreshments will be provided during the break and lunch will be served at 13:00.

The Venue
Microsoft Edinburgh
Waverley Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG
United Kingdom

To register
Register by Phone: 0870 166 6680

Or register via this link:

Evening Event: Edinburgh 01/Oct/2012 – Visual Studio 2012 Launch – Community Beer+Pizza+Swag!

Scottish Developers are very pleased to announce that Microsoft’s General Manager for the Visual Studio leadership team will be delivering a presentation at Microsoft’s Edinburgh office during the evening of the 1st of October!

This is a special event that celebrates the launch of Visual Studio 2012 – it is an evening session that follows on from the afternoon sessions.

There will be beer and pizza available – and some great swag!

Please register for this event here.

About the speaker
Shanku Niyogi leads the team responsible for testing the next generation of Microsoft’s developer tools, including the Visual Studio product line and the .NET Framework. Most recently, as Director of Program Management, Shanku led the design team for Visual Studio Pro and Express, developer tools for platforms such as Windows, Office, and Azure, and managed and JavaScript programming languages.

Shanku joined the Visual Studio leadership team as GM in 2008, and delivered the first set of Visual Studio tools for Azure, and the Chakra Javascript runtime in Internet Explorer. Previously, Shanku had been a part of the .NET Developer Platform organization for nearly seven years, where he helped ship several version of ASP.NET, and helped incubate technologies such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, WCF RIA Services for Silverlight, and ASP.NET Mobile Controls. Shanku has been with Microsoft since 2008. Shanku holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo.

Event: Visual Studio 2012 Launch – Edinburgh, 1st October 2012

Scottish Developers are very pleased to announce that Microsoft’s General Manager for the Visual Studio leadership team will be delivering a presentation at Microsoft’s Edinburgh office on the 1st of October!

This is a special event that celebrates the launch of Visual Studio 2012. In addition to the Microsoft speaker, BlackMarble and SQS will also be delivering presentations!

Registration is required, please register here.

This post relates to the afternoon sessions running from 1300 through to 1700. Shanku is also presenting at the community launch in the early evening at the same location, where there will be beer, pizza and swag!

About the speaker
Shanku Niyogi leads the team responsible for testing the next generation of Microsoft’s developer tools, including the Visual Studio product line and the .NET Framework. Most recently, as Director of Program Management, Shanku led the design team for Visual Studio Pro and Express, developer tools for platforms such as Windows, Office, and Azure, and managed and JavaScript programming languages.

Shanku joined the Visual Studio leadership team as GM in 2008, and delivered the first set of Visual Studio tools for Azure, and the Chakra Javascript runtime in Internet Explorer. Previously, Shanku had been a part of the .NET Developer Platform organization for nearly seven years, where he helped ship several version of ASP.NET, and helped incubate technologies such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, WCF RIA Services for Silverlight, and ASP.NET Mobile Controls. Shanku has been with Microsoft since 2008. Shanku holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo.

Visual Studio 2012 user experience study

Have you been using Visual Studio 2012 over the past few months?

If you have, Microsoft’s Steven Clarke is looking for your feedback!

Steven works out of Microsoft’s Edinburgh office and has played a big part getting Visual Studio 2012 to where it is.

This is your chance to provide feedback that could make it into the next update! Release cycles are now more frequent, you could see your feedback in place via regular updates rather than a major service pack!

Steven’s happy to chat over the phone, or if you’d prefer to do coffee in Edinburgh, Steven’s open to a meet up in Microsoft’s Edinburgh office too.

Ping Steven on Twitter:

Or drop Steven an e-mail, his alias is StevenVS2012Clarke@microsoftAZUREcom
(replace the product names with .)