Event in Edinburgh – August 9th – Jon Skeet on Abusing C#

Scottish Developers are pleased to announce that Jon Skeet, author of C# In Depth and “Mr Stack Overflow”, will be speaking in Edinburgh during the afternoon of the 9th of August 2013. There is no charge to attend this event.

Please register via our eventbrite page for this event:

Abusing C#
As a purely amateur C# developer, code that I write rarely gets to hurt people. (Well, open source projects aside.) As such, it’s fun to stretch the language a bit, find its limits… and then try to sneak past them.

One of my first reactions to a new language feature is “How can I use that for a completely different purpose to the intended one?” The results are rarely pretty, but they’re lots of fun. The chances of any of the code you see in this session being even remotely useful to a conscientious developer are very slim.

You may well learn some interesting things about the C# language, but that’s a different matter. To put it another way: if you’re trying to persuade your boss that it’s important to send you for educational reasons, you probably don’t want to show him this abstract.

Speaker Bio
Jon Skeet is a Java developer for Google in London, but he plays with C# (somewhat obsessively) in his free time. He loves writing and talking about C#, and the third edition of “C# in Depth” was published earlier this year. Writing less formally, Jon spends a lot of time on Stack Overflow… where “a lot” is an understatement. Give him a puzzle about how C# behaves which gets him reaching for the language specification, and Jon is a happy bunny. Jon lives in Reading with his wife and three children.

1400 – 1415: Arrival and registration
1415 – 1420: Introduction
1420 – 1600: Abusing C#
1600 – Close

A similar version of this event is also being run in Aberdeen.

Event – 22/04/2013 – Edinburgh – Applied MVVM in Windows 8 apps: not your typical MVVM session!

Scottish Developers are pleased to announce that Gill Cleeren returns to Scotland on Monday the 22nd of April, in Edinburgh!

Gill Cleeren is Microsoft Regional Director, MVP ASP.NET, INETA speaker bureau member and Silverlight Insider. He lives in Belgium where he works as .NET architect at Ordina. Passionate about .NET, he’s always playing with the newest bits. In his role as Regional Director, Gill has given many sessions, webcasts and trainings on new as well as existing technologies, such as Silverlight, ASP.NET and WPF. He also leads VISUG (www.visug.be), the largest .NET user group in Belgium. He’s the author of Silverlight Data and Services Cookbook. You can find his blog at www.snowball.be

About the session
For some time now, the community has been touting the MVVM pattern as being the best way to build XAML-based applications. By now, you should be convinced that MVVM is really the way to go. But then, you start building a real-world Windows 8 application and you encounter all kinds of challenges you hadn’t thought about before. How do I properly structure an application? How do I implement navigation? How do I manage tiles or contracts from MVVM? How do I use Dependency injection correctly? And how do the new data controls in Windows 8 work in combination with MVVM?

A whole list of questions that this session will aim at answering!

Microsoft (Edinburgh Office)
Conan Doyle, 4th Floor Waverley Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place
EH1 3EG Edinburgh
United Kingdom

18.30 – Doors open
18.55 – Welcome
19.00 – Applied MVVM in Windows 8 apps: not your typical MVVM session!
20.30 – Close

There is no cost to attend this event.

Register to attend here:

Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 in Edinburgh November 8th

Microsoft is running an event in Edinburgh on the 8th of November: Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012

Lunch is provided, as are refreshments!

Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and Other.

Developer Generalist, Non-Tech Influencing BDM, Tech Influencing BDM and Tester.

Hearing directly from our experts is the best way to get a really good understanding of Visual Studio 2012. In this session we will look at the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2012 and how that supports the entire software development lifecycle.

09:30 Registration
10:00 Start
· Overview of the Microsoft development tools
· Requirements capture and Agile planning
· Development including version control, code quality and automated builds
· Test case and defect management including exploratory testing
· Automated and performance testing
· Working with the extended team, including using the feedback client, reporting, IntelliTrace and System Center integration
13:00 Lunch & Q&A
14:00 Close

*Timing: Please arrive at 09:30 for registration. There is a prompt 10:00 start, so please arrive in time. Refreshments will be provided during the break and lunch will be served at 13:00.

The Venue
Microsoft Edinburgh
Waverley Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG
United Kingdom

To register
Register by Phone: 0870 166 6680

Or register via this link: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032522727&Culture=en-GB&community=0

Evening Event: Edinburgh 01/Oct/2012 – Visual Studio 2012 Launch – Community Beer+Pizza+Swag!

Scottish Developers are very pleased to announce that Microsoft’s General Manager for the Visual Studio leadership team will be delivering a presentation at Microsoft’s Edinburgh office during the evening of the 1st of October!

This is a special event that celebrates the launch of Visual Studio 2012 – it is an evening session that follows on from the afternoon sessions.

There will be beer and pizza available – and some great swag!

Please register for this event here.

About the speaker
Shanku Niyogi leads the team responsible for testing the next generation of Microsoft’s developer tools, including the Visual Studio product line and the .NET Framework. Most recently, as Director of Program Management, Shanku led the design team for Visual Studio Pro and Express, developer tools for platforms such as Windows, Office, and Azure, and managed and JavaScript programming languages.

Shanku joined the Visual Studio leadership team as GM in 2008, and delivered the first set of Visual Studio tools for Azure, and the Chakra Javascript runtime in Internet Explorer. Previously, Shanku had been a part of the .NET Developer Platform organization for nearly seven years, where he helped ship several version of ASP.NET, and helped incubate technologies such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, WCF RIA Services for Silverlight, and ASP.NET Mobile Controls. Shanku has been with Microsoft since 2008. Shanku holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo.

Event: Visual Studio 2012 Launch – Edinburgh, 1st October 2012

Scottish Developers are very pleased to announce that Microsoft’s General Manager for the Visual Studio leadership team will be delivering a presentation at Microsoft’s Edinburgh office on the 1st of October!

This is a special event that celebrates the launch of Visual Studio 2012. In addition to the Microsoft speaker, BlackMarble and SQS will also be delivering presentations!

Registration is required, please register here.

This post relates to the afternoon sessions running from 1300 through to 1700. Shanku is also presenting at the community launch in the early evening at the same location, where there will be beer, pizza and swag!

About the speaker
Shanku Niyogi leads the team responsible for testing the next generation of Microsoft’s developer tools, including the Visual Studio product line and the .NET Framework. Most recently, as Director of Program Management, Shanku led the design team for Visual Studio Pro and Express, developer tools for platforms such as Windows, Office, and Azure, and managed and JavaScript programming languages.

Shanku joined the Visual Studio leadership team as GM in 2008, and delivered the first set of Visual Studio tools for Azure, and the Chakra Javascript runtime in Internet Explorer. Previously, Shanku had been a part of the .NET Developer Platform organization for nearly seven years, where he helped ship several version of ASP.NET, and helped incubate technologies such as ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, WCF RIA Services for Silverlight, and ASP.NET Mobile Controls. Shanku has been with Microsoft since 2008. Shanku holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo.

Event: IIS 8.0 Platform for the Future! Edinburgh 27th September

Scottish Developers are pleased to announce that Andy Westgarth will be presenting on the 27th of September 2012! The event is being held at Storm ID‘s Leith office.

With the release of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, Internet Information Server (IIS) received a major update and this has continued through IIS 7.5 which was released with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.

Now we sit on the verge of another update with the upcoming release of Windows Server 8 and Windows 8 which bring with them IIS 8.0.

In this session we’ll set the scene with a quick run through of the building blocks put in place through IIS 7 and 7.5 and then deep dive into the features coming in IIS 8.0 which enable Developers and IT pros to deliver optimised, advanced interactive applications using technologies such as HTML5 and Web Sockets whilst also making use of scalability and configuration enhancements on the underlying platform.

Please register for this event via Eventbrite: http://iis8future.eventbrite.com

About the speaker
Andrew Westgarth is Co-founder of North East Bytes (@nebytes), a free User Group covering the North East and Cumbrian regions of the United Kingdom having technical meetings covering Development and IT Pro topics every month and he is the principal organiser of DDD North (@dddnorth), a free community conference held once a year in the North of England.

He is a Technical Architect at Sage (UK) Ltd working on large scale web applications. Andrew is very active in the UK Developer Community, attending and speaking at multiple events, supporting users and other User Groups.

In the past he has spoken at the Irish Microsoft Technology Conference, VBUG’s National Two Day Conference; DDD Events and local User Group meetings. Andrew has experience in VB6/.NET; C#; ASP.NET and Internet Information Services.

Andrew’s current technical interests include IIS 8.0/7.5/7.0, IIS Extensions and Windows Azure; Personal Performance Improvement and Best Practices.

Edinburgh – Aug/Sept – Windows Azure, Windows 8 UX and Windows 8 Dev Camps

Microsoft are running a series of dev camps in Edinburgh at the end of August/beginning of September.

These dev camps are great opportunities for you to spend a day with like-minded individuals and the talented evangelists from Microsoft. If you are looking to build apps for the soon-to-be-released Windows 8 operating system (and indeed, Windows Phone), attending a dev camps is the perfect way to kick-start your development!

They are free to attend and you will get fed and watered!

Windows Azure – 30th August, Edinburgh
Windows 8 UX Dev Camp – 30th August, Edinburgh
Windows 8 Dev Camp – 31st August, Edinburgh
Windows 8 Dev Camp – 1st September, Edinburgh

Event: Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft are holding an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) event on 13th June at their offices in Edinburgh. More information and to sign up:

Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management, 13th June 2012, Edinburgh

Microsoft UK invites you to join us at the Microsoft Offices in Edinburgh for an overview of the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 11 Beta and Team Foundation Server 11 Beta. This session will demonstrate a slice through an agile iteration starting from our product backlog through development, testing and release.


Scott Hansleman – Scotland Tour

Scottish Developers in partnership with Aberdeen .NET Developers User Group are proud to announce that Microsoft’s very own Scott Hanselman, a Principal Program Manager and highly-active community developer, will be speaking at 4 events across Scotland in July. Scott will be speaking in Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Glasgow between the 9th and 13th of July.

All of the talks are free however we do request that you register if you wish to attend so we can ensure we avoid any issues with capacity at the venues.

Monday 9th July, Edinburgh

Mobile Web

Mobile traffic on the web is exploding. Are you ready? ASP.NET MVC 4 includes new mobile-friendly templates, a focus on responsive design as well as dedicated mobile templates that leverage jQuery and jQuery mobile.

Scott Hanselman will show you what you can do today and tomorrow to make your site friendly on a mobile device. When should your mobile site become a mobile application? Should you use CSS3 media queries, or go “all in” and use jQuery mobile or another mobile framework?

Tuesday 10th July, Dundee


As developers, we are asked to absorb even more information than ever before. More APIs, more documentation, more patterns, more layers of abstraction. Now Twitter and Facebook compete with Email and Texts for our attention, keeping us up-to-date on our friends dietary details and movie attendance second-by-second.

Does all this information take a toll on your psyche or sharpen the saw? Is it a matter of finding the right tools and filters to capture what you need, or do you just need to unplug. Is ZEB (zero email bounce) a myth or are there substantive techniques for prioritizing your live as a developer?

Join Scott Hanselman as we explore this topic…perhaps we’ll crowd-source the answers!

Thursday 12th July, Aberdeen AND Friday 13th July, Glasgow

One ASP.NET (super everything talk)

It’s an exciting time for ASP.NET and Open Source.

What does the next version of Visual Studio and ASP.NET bring to the world of web development? How will you use HTML5, CSS3 and new advances in JavaScript with ASP.NET? There’s new advances in ASP.NET with the addition of realtime (Signalr), new features in WebForms as well as support for mobile. How will it all snap together in a way that makes sense?

Join Scott Hanselman as he shares some internal documents and exciting surprises about the future of ASP.NET. What about Azure? We’ll talk about the world’s most misunderstood cloud and what it means for developers of all flavors and persuasions.

Scottish Developers would like to thank Gary Park of Aberdeen .NET Developers User Group for working with Scott to make these events possible.


This event would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors, Microsoft and Enigma People Solutions.


Enigma People Solutions

Upcoming Microsoft Events in Edinburgh

Friday 25th May

Windows 8 Camps – Delivered by UK Tech.Days

Ready to start coding on Windows 8?

This is a hands-on day of activity where you bring your laptop and write your first Windows 8 code. We have hands-on labs for you to work through with help from our instructors or you can bring along an existing application that you want to progress and get feedback on.

You will need

  • A laptop
  • Installation of Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Developer Tools
  • Familiarity with Windows 8 Development – either from previous event attendance or from self-study


08.30 Registration & Delegates Set Up & Preparation
09.30 Morning Sessions:

  • Welcome, Introduction & Connecting your Kit
  • Listviews and Databinding
  • Orientation, Snapping & Semantic Zoom
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Afternoon Sessions:

  • Searching and Sharing
  • App Bars and Media Capture
  • Lifetime management
  • Settings and Preferences
  • Tiles and notifications
  • Windows Store

Wednesday 13th June, Edinburgh

Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft UK invites you to join us at the Microsoft Offices in Edinburgh for an overview of the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 11 Beta and Team Foundation Server 11 Beta. This session will demonstrate a slice through an agile iteration starting from our product backlog through development, testing and release.