Techorama On Tour

techoramaIn March Gill Cleeren, Pieter Gheysens, and Kevin DeRudder will be in Edinburgh and Glasgow to talk software development as part of Techorama on Tour.

Over the course of two days they’ll deliver sessions on JavaScript 6, writing mobile apps on iOS and Android in C#, DevOps, and deploying web applications.

For full details and to register for tickets:

  • Glasgow 10th March
    • Advanced Techniques for Web Deploy (msdeploy) to simplify the deployment of web applications
    • Building your first real-world Android app using Xamarin in just 60 minutes
  • Edinburgh 11th March
    • Webpack: handle your JavaScript dependencies with Style
    • Building your first real-world iOS app using Xamarin in 60 minutes
    • DevOps with Visual Studio Release Management




Event: Visual Studio 2012 & .NET 4.5

Event Details

Scottish Developers are pleased to announce that Gill Cleeren will be talking in Glasgow on Wednesday 24th April.

Gill Cleeren is Microsoft Regional Director, MVP ASP.NET, INETA speaker bureau member and Silverlight Insider. He lives in Belgium where he works as .NET architect at Ordina. Passionate about .NET, he’s always playing with the newest bits. In his role as Regional Director, Gill has given many sessions, webcasts and trainings on new as well as existing technologies, such as Silverlight, ASP.NET and WPF. He also leads VISUG (, the largest .NET user group in Belgium. He’s the author of Silverlight Data and Services Cookbook. You can find his blog at

About the session:

Microsoft recently introduced developers to a new version of Visual Studio, and .NET. This session will guide you to what’s new in both the new development environment as well as the new version of the core .NET framework. After seeing this session, you’ll be sure to know how your productivity with the new set of tools and frameworks will surely be improved!


Glasgow Business Hub at Baltic Chambers
50 Wellington Street,
G2 6HJ


18.30 – Doors open
18.45 – Welcome
18.50 – Visual Studio 2012
20.15 – Close


Tea, Coffee and Biscuits are also provided.

To register for this event, click here:

Visual Studio 2012 user experience study

Have you been using Visual Studio 2012 over the past few months?

If you have, Microsoft’s Steven Clarke is looking for your feedback!

Steven works out of Microsoft’s Edinburgh office and has played a big part getting Visual Studio 2012 to where it is.

This is your chance to provide feedback that could make it into the next update! Release cycles are now more frequent, you could see your feedback in place via regular updates rather than a major service pack!

Steven’s happy to chat over the phone, or if you’d prefer to do coffee in Edinburgh, Steven’s open to a meet up in Microsoft’s Edinburgh office too.

Ping Steven on Twitter:

Or drop Steven an e-mail, his alias is StevenVS2012Clarke@microsoftAZUREcom
(replace the product names with .)

Event: Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft are holding an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) event on 13th June at their offices in Edinburgh. More information and to sign up:

Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management, 13th June 2012, Edinburgh

Microsoft UK invites you to join us at the Microsoft Offices in Edinburgh for an overview of the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 11 Beta and Team Foundation Server 11 Beta. This session will demonstrate a slice through an agile iteration starting from our product backlog through development, testing and release.

Upcoming Microsoft Events in Edinburgh

Friday 25th May

Windows 8 Camps – Delivered by UK Tech.Days

Ready to start coding on Windows 8?

This is a hands-on day of activity where you bring your laptop and write your first Windows 8 code. We have hands-on labs for you to work through with help from our instructors or you can bring along an existing application that you want to progress and get feedback on.

You will need

  • A laptop
  • Installation of Windows 8 Consumer Preview and Developer Tools
  • Familiarity with Windows 8 Development – either from previous event attendance or from self-study


08.30 Registration & Delegates Set Up & Preparation
09.30 Morning Sessions:

  • Welcome, Introduction & Connecting your Kit
  • Listviews and Databinding
  • Orientation, Snapping & Semantic Zoom
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Afternoon Sessions:

  • Searching and Sharing
  • App Bars and Media Capture
  • Lifetime management
  • Settings and Preferences
  • Tiles and notifications
  • Windows Store

Wednesday 13th June, Edinburgh

Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft UK invites you to join us at the Microsoft Offices in Edinburgh for an overview of the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 11 Beta and Team Foundation Server 11 Beta. This session will demonstrate a slice through an agile iteration starting from our product backlog through development, testing and release.

Event: A Developer’s Morning with Microsoft


Friday, 9th September 10am – 1pm at Microsoft’s Edinburgh Offices

Scottish Developers in partnership with Microsoft bring you a morning of developer-focused content. The event will include a session on Windows Azure and a session on the user experience of Visual Studio (including a sneak peak at vNext!)

Microsoft’s UK Managing Director Gordon Frazer is also in town and will be delivering a keynote.

Register for A Developer's Morning with Microsoft in Edinburgh, Edinburgh City  on Eventbrite


09.30 – Doors Open & Registration
10.00 – Keynote by Godron Frazer
10.20 – Windows Azure with Steve Plank
11.20 – Break
11.30 – What are those guys at Visual Studio thinking about? (Steven Clarke)
12.30 – Q&A
13.00 – Closing


Microsoft (Edinburgh Office)
Conan Doyle
4th Floor Waverley Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place


Windows Azure

Steve Plank

This session will explain the mystery and mystique behind some of the common cloud computing terms – private cloud, public cloud, IaaS, PaaS. It will contrast the way an on-premise development project is deployed compared to a cloud-based project. You’ll understand the over-arching Windows Azure Platform and then we’ll dive in to each component – Windows Azure Compute (including Storage), SQL Azure and Windows Azure App Fab. There will be demos of how to create simple apps and deploy them as live internet-accessible services. The talk will also show how to integrate applications in to the online enterprise environment. Also, for the consumer-focused developer there will be a section on how to easily consume facebook, google and live-id users in to Windows Azure applications.


Steve Plank or “Planky” as he is more usually known works in the UK as a Cloud Evangelist. He writes, presents and blogs on Microsoft cloud technologies for the developer, IT Pro and business audiences. You can usually catch him at his blog or at events such as TechEd, Gartner, RSA and so on. He also has an active interest in security and digital identity and wherever the worlds of cloud, identity and security collide you are sure to find him enthusing. He’s an old-timer at Microsoft, having been around since ‘93 when the first version of Windows NT was released.

What are those guys at Visual Studio thinking about?

Steven Clarke

Have you ever wondered why Visual Studio is the way it is? Ever been curious to see a little bit behind the scenes and see how Visual Studio is designed? Or do you just want a sneak peek at some of the new features that will be part of the next release of Visual Studio?

In this talk I’ll describe the work that my team, the Visual Studio User Experience team does. I’ll show you how we gather feedback from developers and how we use that feedback to identify and design new features and experiences for Visual Studio. In the process I’ll show you some of the new features that we’re working on for the next release of Visual Studio – and I’ll be asking for your feedback, so that we can make it even better.


Steven is a User Experience Researcher on the Visual Studio team in Redmond, USA. He works on understanding how to improve the experience that developers have with the programming languages, frameworks and tools they use every day. He’s been with the team since November 1999. Prior to joining Microsoft, Steven was a developer at Motorola in East Kilbride.