Event in Glasgow: Your Agile Is Dead

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Sebastien Lambla will be talking to Scottish Developers on Monday 16th March. Details below.

The Talk

What could possibly go wrong when a Pole and a Frenchman enter an English office? Well, for a start you get servers called Churchill, Wałęsa and de Gaulle. In the presence of such characters it’s no wonder that a revolution was started. The country entered by the noble man was agile (with a capital A) and so were they (but not with the same a).

An autonomous collective of courageous and fearless geeks gathered along in a freshly created duchy of perpetually horded meeting rooms and joined forces into an unstoppable mob of programming.

Their sight: the land of agile orthodoxy. Their weapon: asking why (usually at least five times). Their plan: No Kan-, no -Ban, but a sacred map of all their capabilities and tasks, the Panopticon.

How many pits of success have they already conquered? Will their valiant march to sustainable delivery arrive at the pinnacle of realised business value?

The Speaker

Sebastien Lambla has been involved in software development since receiving his first web browser, back in the days of Netsape Navigator 1.2. After a few years of hacking on javascript, he turned his attention to the .net platform, on which he would spend the next few years building software in many companies. From 2006, Sebastien has been running Caffeine IT, a consultancy helping clients from all over Europe implement first-grade and innovative solutions. Keen Open-Source promoter, Sebastien has created multiple high-profile open-source projects that are in use in many Fortune 500 companies, including OpenRasta, at a time the most popular resource-oriented framework on .net. Long-time advocate of the ReST architectural style and resource-oriented computing, Sebastien has delivered over the years new platforms leveraging the architecture of the web, from small independents to Fortune 500s.

The agenda

18:30 : Doors open

19:00 : Introduction

19:05 : Your Agile is Dead

20:30 : Close

The venue

The talk will take places at Skyscanner’s offices in Glasgow.

[Click here to register]

SQL Saturday 7-8/June

SQL Saturday are having a two-day event at the University of Edinburgh on 7th and 8th June:

Friday is a paid preconference training day, and the information is here: http://bit.ly/SQLScotland

The cost is £150 all-in and the training is held by Joseph Sack and Jonathan Kehayias of SQLSkills. Joe was the Global Program Manager at Microsoft for the MCM Program until 2011. Jonathan is well-known for his expertise in events and tells Microsoft about their own products. The topic is SQL Server 2012. People who are considering MCM qualification might be interested to attend, meet Joe, and ask him about the Program too.

Saturday is a free community day, and the information is here: http://www.sqlsaturday.com/202/eventhome.aspx

There is a maximum capacity of 200 people and ticket ‘sales’ are healthy for the free day. Early registration is recommended.


Lean Agile Scotland

The Lean Agile Scotland conference is rapidly approaching and looks to be 2 great days of content. Here is some additional information about the conference and also a discount code for those who get in there quick.

There is just under three weeks to go until Lean Agile Scotland!

We have managed to put together a fantastic lineup of speakers, many from the forefront of the Lean and Agile communities. The keynotes are David Anderson and Liz Keogh  and we have talks from the likes of Matt Wynne; Gojko Adzic; Clarke Ching; Bob Marshall and Karl Scotland to name but a few.

There will be something for everyone with talks on Kanban; Software Craftsmanship; TDD; Refactoring; Continuous Delivery; building Agile teams; Rightshifting and organisational improvement; Agile contracts and much more!

You can see the full list of talks the and the schedule at http://www.leanagilescotland.com/schedule.

As well as two scheduled speaker tracks there will be space set aside for Open Space/Lean Coffee sessions, giving attendees a great opportunity to… well, confer.

Tickets are on sale and selling fast, to book yours go to http://www.leanagilescotland.com/tickets

You can get 10% discount on a standard conference ticket with the code LAS12DNSDEV, but hurry this code expires on the 14th of September.

Hope to see you there!

Evening Buffet with Scott Hanselman

At the end of Scott Hanselman’s tour of Scotland we’re having a bit of a social event, so we’ve arranged an evening buffet to round off the tour.

It will take place after the end of his last talk, and you don’t even have to go to the talk to sign up for the buffet. It will take place at the Mercure Glasgow City Hotel at 21:00 on 13th July.

More details and to register for the event can be found here: http://buffet-with-scott-hanselman.eventbrite.com/

Event: Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management

Microsoft are holding an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) event on 13th June at their offices in Edinburgh. More information and to sign up:

Visual Studio 11 Application Lifecycle Management, 13th June 2012, Edinburgh

Microsoft UK invites you to join us at the Microsoft Offices in Edinburgh for an overview of the Application Lifecycle Management capabilities of Visual Studio 11 Beta and Team Foundation Server 11 Beta. This session will demonstrate a slice through an agile iteration starting from our product backlog through development, testing and release.


Uncle Bob Martin is Coming to Edinburgh

The Edinburgh branch of the British Computer Society is hosting a half-day workshop and an evening event with Robert Martin in April. Details below.

Uncle Bob is coming to Edinburgh

Robert Martin will be running a half day workshop in “Clean Code and Refactoring” in Edinburgh on the afternoon of April 25th. For full details, and booking information, go to http://edinburgh.bcs.org/courses/index.htm There are 40 places ONLY – first come, first served.

For those of you that can’t attend the workshop, Bob will be speaking about “Demanding Professionalism”, for free, at the BCS Edinburgh Branch meeting on April 25th. For details, go to http://edinburgh.bcs.org/events/2011-12/120425.htm [and, no, you DON’T need to be a BCS member to come along]

Event in Edinburgh: Lean Startups

This just in from Agile Scotland:

We’re Back! Our next AgileScotland event takes place on the 18th April 2011 in Edinburgh at 19:30. The subject: Lean Startups.

Lean Startups are the hot new kids on the block – and like all the new hot things it is a ball of hype wrapped round a steely core of good practice.

Gordon Guthrie (CEO/CTO at Hypernumbers, formerly Chief Technical Architect at if.com, currently Convenor of the Scottish Lean Circle) will provide some perspective.

  • Lean Startups are a combination of influences:
  • Japanese quality management like the Toyota Production Systems
  • software development methodologies like Agile, Scrum and XP
  • theories of company building like 4 Steps To The Epiphany
  • practical experience
  • These have been synthesized to address a very specific problem: “I have an idea for a product – how to I get to having a sustainable repeatable business based on that without running out of money”

The evening is organized by Paul Wilson and generously sponsored by his company EdgeCase – providers of rapid sustainable development here in Edinburgh.

If you are interested in joining us then please email me at clarke.ching@gmail.com. I’ll book you a spot and send you location details.

Clarke Ching

The date has now moved to Monday 18th April. The above text has been amended to reflect this change.