SQL Saturday 7-8/June

SQL Saturday are having a two-day event at the University of Edinburgh on 7th and 8th June:

Friday is a paid preconference training day, and the information is here: http://bit.ly/SQLScotland

The cost is £150 all-in and the training is held by Joseph Sack and Jonathan Kehayias of SQLSkills. Joe was the Global Program Manager at Microsoft for the MCM Program until 2011. Jonathan is well-known for his expertise in events and tells Microsoft about their own products. The topic is SQL Server 2012. People who are considering MCM qualification might be interested to attend, meet Joe, and ask him about the Program too.

Saturday is a free community day, and the information is here: http://www.sqlsaturday.com/202/eventhome.aspx

There is a maximum capacity of 200 people and ticket ‘sales’ are healthy for the free day. Early registration is recommended.


About Colin Mackay
I blog at ColinMackay.scot. I also talk at software development conferences.

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